by Robert L. Gisel
To sunscreen or not to sunscreen, says someone pretending Shakespeare, his bare skin turning to crispy critter as he bakes in the sun.
Some days ago, it must have been a bad hair day, I put no Infinite Aloe on my face against the sun which showed no mercy. My experience has been that when my skin, which tends on the white side, (I'm a red head, imagine that) is not covered with aloe vera before exposure to the sun there will be blood, and I do mean sunburned.
Since applying Infinite Aloe before going out I haven't gotten sunburned, at all. The experience of a few days ago reminds me of why I do this.
Preventing sunburn with aloe vera is a personal success story, not a claim, lest we invoke the wrath of the mightiest of authorities, The FDA. Nevertheless the difference for me has been so dramatic that there has to be a technical explanation for this.
I'm told you can find anything on the Internet, but that hasn't entirely been the case here, what with my limited reach thwarted by overactive security settings. There is some valid support for the idea of this amount of sun protection from aloe vera, even though I have yet to find any clinical studies that forward the premise so objectively viewed. Besides that, nothing gets cured no ways, FDA take note we said that.
What Does Sunscreen Do?
There are 3 basic actions of sunscreen:
absorb ultraviolet (with organic chemical compounds)
absorb or reflect and scatter ultraviolet light (using inorganic particulates)
absorb light (using organic particulates).
Sunblock basically has more opaque particulates so as to block out everything. Is that the theme to Goldfinger playing in the background?
In other words sunscreen and sunblock seek to modify the presence of solar rays before they sink into the skin and burn you to a crisp. It is like wearing a bullet proof vest. But there is a downside.
The Shortcomings of Sunscreen
Sunscreen with an SPF rating inhibits most all of the vitamin D production of the skin. The irony of this is that there are indications that deficiency in vitamin D may lead to cancer, without adequate supplements to offset the deficiency. Yet 10 to 15 minutes in the sun without sunscreen twice a week is enough produce adequate vitamin D3.
Sunburn is caused by ultraviolet radiation, specifically by UVB, which is blocked by sunscreen thus preventing sunburn and DNA damage. Sunscreens do not block UVA, but UVA does not cause sunburn, it just destroys vitamin A. Ironically, sunscreens are meant to prevent some forms of cancer, carcinogens, by blocking UVB, but UVA, not suppressed by sunscreens, increases risk of another cancer, melanoma, by indirectly damaging DNA and promoting free radicals and oxidation of the skin.
Sunblock is a type of sunscreen that keeps out both UVA and UVB. A problem arises with some sunscreens that erroneously claim to be a sunblock. Also, when all sunshine is banished from the skin and the result is vitamin D deficiency.
The radiation of the sun's rays can also cause mutation of DNA, or, to oversimplify, the makings of skin diseases and cancer. If you don't want to become a Mr. Hyde or Frankenstein, become a vampire, only come out at night, and stay away from auditions.
The Solution for Sunscreening
Consider this alternative: the highly nutritional and healing properties of Aloe Barbadensis Miller eliminates skin mutations and improper cellular growth. It is so rich in anti-oxidants and health promoting vitamins its medicinal properties have been renown for many thousands of years. Per the wall pictures in ancient Egyptian Temples it was grown on the banks of the Nile and sold at Rite Aide.
Simply put, sunburn is oxidized skin. Aloe vera is very high in anti-oxidants and fights harmful free radicals. It is also high in the nutrients needed to feed the skin to grow in a healthy state. So not only does aloe vera combat harmful oxidation it supplies the vitamins that will be destroyed or depleted in the skin with the use of sun screens.
It is not determined if using a good source of aloe such as Infinite Aloe will eliminate any need for sunscreen. If you do use sunscreen put Infinite Aloe on first, it will absorb into the skin, and the sun lotion over that.
A properly fed body is a healthy body. The last place in the body to receive nutrition is the skin. Feeding the skin with penetrating aloe vera provides the nutrients needed for healthy skin, even under the sun. Then you don't have to be a stay-at-home hermit crab, or worse yet, become a vampire, nights only.
Also see this post: Aloe and Other Stuff
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